
Rolling along

"Good news, everyone! Bad news!Over the next few weeks I'm hoping to jumpstart some real, live, comics, like the roughs shown above. Sadly, that means that my near-daily posting schedule will become but a memory. Such is progress! *

*Forget that; I'm gonna post stuff anyway.



La Policia!

I was going to draw a future police person... but this isn't very futuristic, is it?
Fun Fact: only around 10-12% of police people are women.
Google it!



This is based on a dream I had last night. A very large robot was chasing me around a house. It was like a movie.


I like sailing, but haven't been on the water in a while.


Various faces

I'll get serious in a moment, hold on.

Man oh man, what a week with the SOPA and the PIPA and what with the Congress trying to go over our heads and pass laws that only help out the MPAA and RIAA and such...

Wasn't that Internet protesting cool?



Ever sit on your giant robot and look at your bionic hand and wonder if you made good decisions today?



Yet another mercenary. They wear such colorful clothes...



It's a female convict putting a guard in a headlock.
It's a very, very rough idea I'm developing for a comic. More on this in the future.
I even wrote down some story notes; it was one of my most enjoyable activities of 2012, thus far.
Writing is fun! 

Incidentally, this is my 100th post! (on this blog)


I think I'll start writing a bit about the drawings I post here. Just a short paragraph or two to shed some light on my thought process. I may even go back and add retrospectives to past posts.

Stay tuned, and Happy 2012!



Take this guy here, for instance. As soon as I drew his face I started thinking "gnome" and his clothing just followed suit. Kind of a morlock-creature, grubby sewer-worker look. (do morlocks even wear clothes?) Confession: I added the hook because it looked cool, and b/c I never roughed in the hand. 


Sketching after dark

A story is brewing.*

*Doodles I was drawing while watching Metropolis. Not the original - the movie based on the Osamu Tezuka adaptation. It has an interesting soundtrack, beyond that I will not comment. 

For whatever reason, I was thinking of Treasure Island when I drew the pirate-type fellow on the botton right and the kid above him.